Thursday, October 11, 2012

Having Goals, Good Running Training, and Getting Ready for the 1/2 with Team Rogue KB Fitness

Well, I am at the end of a training cycle for the Heritage Half Marathon this weekend.  We have a solid team: Some are running their first event; others are going for PRs.  The main point is to have goals and strive to accomplish them.  Let your training have a focal point with and end result; otherwise, you can train in vain.  Also, many of my clients did the supplemental running on their own and trained as a team, so it was great to hear about their motivation and chart their progress.

Another major point is many of my clients ran less than a normal training program, and focused on the training in class--with circuits and strength training.  Similarly, I did the same and was able to get by on 2 runs per week, but still add distance and speed to each one without getting injured.  Further, none of my clients reported any major injuries that are typical when training for a long running race.

For programming, I recommend a long distance run once per week, and then some speed/tempo (hills or sprints) work.  This keeps the training fresh, plus allows one to still strength train with kettlebells or other fitness programs.  All-in-all, you want to keep everything fresh so you don't get bored.  During this period, I was also able to keep on strength training.

Here is my last training week for me--which my clients follow too--to show how I made gains on my running and still did strength and conditioning, although I backed of on serious weight the last week.  The circuits also keep your anaerobic conditioning up without too much extra impact on the legs.

Monday: Speed Workout

1-Mile Jogging Warmup
5x800m sprints with walking rest

Tuesday: Metacon

5 Rounds nonstop
1 Min. Rower
5/5 Push Press (32K)
200 Jump Ropes

Snatch Finisher (24K) Nonstop

10/10, 8/8, 6/6, 4/4, 2/2

Wednesday: Final Run

8-Mile Road/Trail Run (Race Pace, 7-8 Min. Mile)

* Friday I will hit on last low-impact metacon: AMRAP 15 Swings, 10 Pushups, 5 Pullups.
** Race is Sunday so will rest next few days.

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