Friday, September 28, 2012

Why Competition Style KBs are Great for Strength Training, Video of Strength Circuit, and Running Training Program

Many people I talk to about kettlebells seem to only know about the basic lifts, like swings, deadlifts, and highpulls.  Or I see people in the gym trying to do traditional lifts, like curls, with them.  Further, many don't understand the full potential of double kettlebell work and the full body lifts.

Some of my favorite lifts with double competition bells in a strength circuit.

Lifting with competition style bells has several advantages for the compound lifts, which people should have in a sound strength and conditioning program.  The ballistic nature of the kettlebells also develops superior posterior chain development, which is neglected in many workout programs.  Here are some key advantages to lifting with competition kettlebells:

--The size is all standard, so you don't have to adjust your form every time you go up in weight.
--The Olympic style  and compound lifts--Clean and Press, Jerk, Front Squat, Push Press, Snatch--are safer and easier to learn than with an Olympic bar.
--The rack position is safer and more comfortable than the rack position with an O-bar.
--Using two individual bells in each hand works our imbalances on each side.

I have found that for the majority of the population, implementing a strength and conditioning program with comp bells really keeps people lifting longer and injury free.  Also, once you learn the moves and get the ballistics down, people really learn the proper form faster.  Overall, double KB work with comp bells has great advantages for the majority of the population, especially older clients or people who have had shoulder issues.

WODs focusing on running conditioning for 1/2 marathon:

Thursday: Split Day
Strength and Running

AM Upper Body Focus (6 Rounds)

5/5 Seesaw Press (26Ks)
5 Deadhang Pullups
5/5 Snatch

PM Run

6 mile up Bull Run Mtn.

Friday: Recover and LSD

10 miles on Mtn. Bike

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