Friday, June 29, 2012

Focused Training: Don't Train in Vain

It has been a crazy week at my house, as a forest fire has been creeping down the mountain and now looms about 500 yards away.  That said, I still had time to train my clients and myself.  One tenet that I believe in--for me and clients--is not to train without a purpose.  In the beginning, many people who come to me just want to lose some weight and get into sick shape.  But as they progress and realize their athletic prowess, they become more focused and determined.

The Massanutten Mountain behind my house: Also one of my favorite trail runs ablaze!

This is also the point that separates a good trainer from a great coach: If a trainer fails to see the needs and desires of their clients, then training just becomes an endless cycle.  Also, many trainers who do not practice what they preach fall short because they themselves don't train as an athlete.  (I had one such trainer tell me he could complete a marathon, even though he had never done one.)  I guess that is why I like to call myself a coach, and not a trainer.

A coach intimately knows their clients and a team dynamic, and how to read each person.  They also know how to forge a group together to create more synergy.  So at Rogue, we formed a running team for a half marathon.  Many of my clients said they could not imagine finishing.  I promptly told them that if they could get through one of my training sessions and they doubted themselves in a half, then that is even more reason to run it.  Further, I am going to train with them and coach them based on the programming series I have used.  I will also be lecturing about this at The Running Store in Gainesville, VA, on 11 July at 7 pm.

So don't train in vain, and learn how to use KBs the right way to enhance your strength, conditioning, and athletic ability.

KB Strength Sets with Double Bells: It makes the event easier.

Matt's WODs

Wednesday: Strength
Strength Circuit:  With 40K
WU Set x 2: Bench 10 x 135/30 sec rower

Work Set: 6 x 3 1-arm floor press and 1-arm rows

2 x Max sets pushups 

Deadlift: worked up to 5 x 405 and 2x 425

Friday: Metacon/Strength

WU: 5/5 TGUs
5 Rounds (2 x 26Ks)

5/5 Seesaw Presses
5 Weighted Pullups
10 Front Squats
10 Double Snatches

Finisher: 3 x 8 Floor Press superset with Renegade Rows

1 comment:

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