Friday, July 20, 2012

Killer Conditioning, Training with Old KB Amigos, and IKFF Prep

It has been hot on the East Coast, but sometimes it gets even hotter in our gym at Rogue Kettlebell Fitness.  (Bikram Yoga has nothing on us!)   Like the other night, we had 20 people training hard with a kettlebell/body-weight circuit, with the AC cranked and the fans blowing in all directions.  Still, the circuit was hard, the sweat was pouring, and the last round was nonstop, with no rest.

Clients Sweating It Out during the Final Round: No Rest Conditioning!!!

Sometimes, you need to be pushed, and you need to develop that metal toughness with a "train-as-you-fight" mentality--like in the military.  I conduct my classes, personal training, and my own training in the same manner: Push it hard at the end like a race!  My clients comes to me to earn-the-burn, and develop that real-world fitness that is going to carry them through races, events, and just the stresses of life--although there are some sadomasochists in the group, including me.

Even myself, I have to pushed to my own next level.  I do it by training with Marines, sparring in the dojo, and adding extra intensity to all my WODs.  You also have to test yourself, and in a few weeks, I will be heading back up to The Training Room in Avon, NJ, for the IKFF Level 1 and Level 2 certs.  I was there a few years ago and earned the Level 2 with Steve Cotter, Ken Blackburn, Mike Stehle, and Jim Milkowski, to name a few.  Nonetheless, I am going back to train with hardcore people who pushed me then, who will also push me on to my next level.

Steve Cotter Pushing Me to the Limits with High-Rep 32K Jerks.

A Great KB Crew at The Training Room 3 Years Ago: Hardcore Training, Positive Vibes!

Matt's WODs:

Wednesday: Strength
WU:  3 Rounds (32K)
30 sec Rower/15 Swings/15 Pushups
WO1: 5x3 then 5x3
Dumbbell Bench (worked to 80s)
1-Arm Rows (32K)

WO2: T-Bar Deads
Worked up to 7x1 405 lbs.

Finisher: Single 32K work
Jerk, LCCJ, Snatch
Thursday: Conditioning

4-Mile Trail Run with .5 mile hill sprint

2 x max-rep pullups

Friday: WO1: Kickboxing and Jumprope (20 min.)

WO2: KB Single-Arm Complexes (24K) for IKFF prep (3 rounds x 5 reps per arm)
Swing, Clean, Press, Jerk, Squat, Snatch

Finisher: 2 x 5/5 Thrusters and 5 Weighted Pullups

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