Friday, July 27, 2012

SISS: Strength Is a Skill Stupid and WODs

In a recent online article, the author gives some tips about how to avoid the effects of aging.  One of the biggest arguments is the concept of strength training.  Many fitness professionals know that training strength not only makes the body less injury prone, but also that the effects on the metabolic conditioning associated with it burn a ton of calories and keep your metabolism amped for up to 36 hours after.  So training strength is the biggest bang for your buck as far as an anti-aging remedy and total-body strength and conditioning.  But you have to break the older paradigms of training hypertrophy, which is NOT how to train strength in the most effective way for overall health and life fitness.

Big Mike, Chris, and the Deadlift: Going Strong at 355+ lbs.

At Rogue Kettlebell Fitness, we focus on training strength because many of my clients are over 35 and they have a limited amount of time.  So they need to get in an effective WOD.  Programmed the right way, strength training with kettlebells and body weight training done in circuits produce amazing results.  Also, we focus on compound lifts and body weight exercises that incorporate the whole body:

--Clean and Press
--Front Squats

Amazingly, many do not know that all the compound lifts can be done with 1 or 2 kettlebells.  Further, they are a lot safer to teach than many of the same lifts done with a barbell.  So learning to use kettlebells in a strength training program can help you reap the benefits.  Too many times, I have seen people working out with too light a weight.  Recently, one new client, a male, came in a said he was using a 20 lb. kettlebell for swings, but he was hurting his back.  Turns out is was too light, for I gave him a 16K, and he had no pain whatsoever.  All of my clients lift heavy stuff, and we rarely have injuries.

Clients Getting Down-and-Dirty with the Compound Lifts!

In another example yesterday, I was training a private group in a corporate fitness studio.  It was 6 women, and the rest were men doing the typical death by treadmill run; or they were doing bench press and bench dips.  Well, my ladies blew them away when they were clean and pressing and front squatting 2 x 16Ks.  One guy came over and grabbed 2 15 lbers to try and emulate what we were doing.  Needless to say, he embarrassed himself in front of these women, and he was at least 60-100 lbs. heavier than them.

So the take away: Young or old, train strength as a skill--just don't be stupid about it!

Train Hard.  Train Strong.  Train Rogue.

Matt's WODs and Prep for the IKFF Cert at The Training Room in Avon, NJ:

Thursday: Metacon
10 Rounds AFAP (32K)
15 Swings
10 Pushups (rings)
5 dead hang pullups
Friday: IKFF Conditioning

WU: 3 Rounds / 1-Arm (26K) 5/5 of)
Swing,Cleans, Push Press, Squat

WO1: 2x26Ks w/ 2:30 min. rest between sets
2x5, 10 LCCJ
2x15 Jerk)
2x10/10, 20/20 Snatch

Finisher: 3x7 Front Squats
2xMax Set Pullups

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