Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pullup Progressions, the Client B-Day WOD, and AWESOME Nutrition Advice

We are a tight crew at Rogue, and many of us have been training together for years. So when it is a client's B-Day, we try to dedicate the WOD to them.  Needless to say, the whole crew--including the B-Day girl--rocked it.  And it was a hard one.  But who says age will slow you down or prevent you from being an athlete.

Case in point, the B-Day girl: Leslie Abell.  Let's just say she is over 35, started training with me last year, and now is in amazing shape after many years of not being active.  (Check her out in the video of the WOD.)  It just goes to how fitness is a way of life and can keep you active.  Leslie completed her first Warrior Dash a few months ago, and now she is training for her first half-marathon.  Way to go, and she in ensuring herself many quality years of living--and that is what it is all about.

The B-Day WOD: Leslie and Company Rocking It!!!

I also got a good post from a friend and fellow client that works out at the studio: Lisa Gulley, a great fitness and kettlebell enthusiast who has a fitness blog: www.workoutmommy.com.  Today she posted about pullup progressions for women using bands and other devices for assistance.  We use many of the same protocols at Rogue KB, and I have seen many women--and men--use assistance and progressions to do deadhangs, which are quite a feat for anyone.  We worked some into a density set last night.  Check out the video:

Women Rocking the Pullups and Progressions.

And finally, big props to Mary Perry of Dynamic Nutrition.  She gave a lecture at the gym a few months ago about optimal nutrition for athletes, which was a great success.  And I mentioned in the previous blog that if you want the truth, go to someone who practices what they preach.  Well, she was recently interviewed as a subject matter expert by Outside magazine about proper dieting for the Spartan Race.  Check out her article.  And if you're in the NOVA area, get good advice.  I am doing the Spartan in August and am following it.

Matt's WODs and Prep for the IKFF Cert at The Training Room in Avon, NJ:

Monday: Strength
WU:  5/5 TGUs ((32K)
WO1: 3(1,2,3,)  (2x32Ks)
Clean and Press
Weighted Pullups (24K)
Front Squats

Finisher: 20-15-10-5
Swings and Pushups (nonstop)
Tuesday: IKFF Conditioning

WU: 3 Rounds / 1-Arm (26K)
Swing,Cleans, Push Press, Squat

WO1: 5x7 Push Press/Jerk
2x26Ks (1:30  min. rest)
WO2: 5x10/10 Snatch

Finisher: 2xMax Set Pullups
2x100 yd Farmer's Walks (26Ks)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot. Just trying to show that fitness and nutrition can be achieved by everyone! I will keep it coming.

