Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Setting Goals, Swinging 'KBs, and Training WODs

Well, it's been a busy few weeks as I build my business, train for a Spartan Race, and get things rolling.  Setting goals and going after them is a challenge in itself, but you need them to keep moving forward: Slow, Steady, and Positive!  With mental and physical goals, this will also bleed down into the ranks of the people you train and inspire them.

As a trainer and coach, I also still find time to train, because that is part of what keeps me strong: I try to get up early, get some work done, and then carve some personal time to train.  I know I am moving forward.  Lately, I have also been training outside a lot again, and it also brings peace and fortitude.

Training as hard as I can makes me ready for the challenges of everyday life.  Furthermore, training for an event and charting my WODs keeps me accountable and interactive with my clients, who can see what they or I are doing.

So everyday, set new goals and work on the ones you have.  Also, make time to train and keep fit.  Swinging KBs is part of that Zen you practice everyday to be on your physical and mental path.

Matt's WODs and for the Weekend Warrior


Super Spartan Training Run

3 Rounds w/ vest
20 Pushups
10 Pullups
10/10 Snatches (24K)
5 Tire Flips
10/10 Sledge Swings

Run 6 MIles (w/ hills)

1 more round of latter
Monday: Strength
WU: 5/5 TGUs (26K) 


Clean and Press (26Ks)
Weighted Pullups (24K)

5x5 Front Squats (26Ks)

Finisher: 15/15 Snatch for 5 min. (32K)

Tuesday: Metacon

6 Rounds of 40/20

Wednesday: Strength and Conditioning
5 Rounds w/ Vest

10 Swings (32K)
10 Pushups
5/5 Push Press (32K)
2 15' Rope Climbs
10 24" Box Jumps
10/10 Sledge Swings

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